We are in the process of putting our finishing touches on this unique mustard based BBQ Sauce. During our development process over the last 8 months making and fine tuning our sauces, this sauce took a back seat because I was not happy with it. Since we launched, we have been getting asked "why isn't this sauce for sale", "what happened to the yellow sauce", "the mustard sauce is my favorite, did you forget about it". So as any good person does, they admit when they are wrong and listen to the people, and the people have spoken. On February 10th we will officially launch Recipe No. 5, S.C. Mustard Sauce. Some people call this Carolina Gold style BBQ sauce, but we will stick to S.C. Mustard Sauce.
Below is a little history about mustard based bbq sauces in the South.
Germans began migrating to the region at the end of the 18th century, particularly the central portion of South Carolina and parts of Northern Georgia. With them came mustard. Germans love the combination of mustard and pork and in the Carolinas, barbecue means pulled pork. Slowly, mustard was integrated as an ingredient in the sauces served with barbecue produced in this region.